Tag Archives: Twitter

It all started with a tweet

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”  ~Walt Disney~

And so begins our love for Disney and following our dreams, which ironically, in our case, go hand in hand.  And isn’t it funny that our story begins with one of the biggest Disney community personalities out there?  Yes, Lou Mongello played a role in our beginning; he doesn’t know it, but he did.  Mark responded with his Disney expertise to a question Lou posted on Twitter, I took notice and started following him.  It definitely wasn’t “tweet at first sight” but more on that later.  It’s just pretty crazy that we found a valuable use for social networking for once besides finding out what “food” you are or what celebrity you should marry.  While both are important things to know about yourself, these don’t appear to be of lifelong merit.  And as to whether or not I’ve taken those quizzes, I’m not saying I have and I’m not saying I haven’t.

So, now we’re stretching our online connection to include this awesome blog!  We’re combining some of our talents and interests with our infatuation for Disney and traveling in general.  I’ve been told for many years that fairy tales don’t exist but I’m finding them piece by piece with Mark and I hope we can express the fun and fervor we find every time we embark on a new adventure.  We want your thoughts and for you to share your experiences as well so feel free to comment as much as you’d like!  Make us laugh and you might get a gold star!! Give us a nugget of info we didn’t know before and you might get two gold stars!  Like all great things in life, it’s a win-win.